IDPhoto Remove Background usage

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Command line options and usage principles

The application supports processing files in the following formats: jpg, jpeg, png, webp, bmp, tif, tiff.

The original file remains unchanged during processing unless overwriting is specified with a special key.

Paths can be specified using absolute or relative formats in the command line. If a path contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotes.

1.Options list (keys)

Start using IDPhoto Remove Background with the -h or –help key. This command displays all available application options in the console.


>idrembg -h


>idrembg –help



-i, –in-file <file path>

processes one single file (image)

-o, –out-file <file path>

sets the location, name, and format of the processed file

–in-dir <folder path>

processes all files in a folder

–out-dir <folder path>

specifies the folder for saving processed files

-b, –background <color>

sets the background color for the processed images


replace (overwrite) the processed file if it already exists


displays application and system information

–jpeg-quality <value>

sets the compression level for the processed image (for JPEG files)

–output-format <format>

sets the format of the processed file

-h, –help

shows the list of available keys in the console


2.Processing a Single File

To process a single image file, simply specify the key -i or –in-file followed by the path to the source file.

The other command line option settings include the following:

the folder for saving the processed image, specifying its name and format (key -o or –out-file)

compression level (key –jpeg-quality, only for JPEG)

background color (key -b or –background)

-i or –in-file

-i, –in-file <path to the source file> – processes one file (image). The processed image will be saved in the same directory as the source file, with a filename that combines the original name and the suffix .idrembg (e.g., if the source is 001.jpg, the processed file will be 001.idrembg.jpg). If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten. Files with the .idrembg suffix are always overwritten.

The processed file will retain the same format as the original. If no specific background color is chosen, it will default to light gray.


>idrembg -i D:\1in\001.jpg"


>idrembg –in-file "D:\1in\001.jpg"

Result: A processed file D:\1in\001.idrembg.jpg with a light gray background will be created next to the source file D:\1in\001.jpg.

-o or –out-file

-o or ––out-file < path to the processed file > – specifies the location, name, and format of the processed file as indicated in the path.


>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.jpg" -o "D:\2out\001.png"


>idrembg –in-file "D:\1in\001.jpg" –out-file "D:\2out\001.png"

Result: a processed PNG file 001.png will be created in the D:\2out folder. The background color of the processed image will be light gray.

3. Processing a Folder

To process a folder containing image files, you only need to specify the key –in-dir <path to the source folder>.

The other command line option settings include the following:

the folder where the processed images will be saved (–out-dir)

file format (–output-format)

compression level (–jpeg-quality, for JPEG only)

background color (-b, –background)


–in-dir <path to the source folder> – processes all files in the folder in formats: jpg, jpeg, png, webp, bmp, tif, tiff.

Processed files will be saved in the same folder as the original source files.

Each processed file will retain the format of the original and will include the suffix .idrembg in its name (e.g., source: 001.jpg, processed: 001.idrembg.jpg). If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.

Each processed file will maintain the original format, and all images will have a light gray background.


>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in"

Result: in the D:\1in folder, a processed file with the same format will be created next to each source file, with the suffix .idrembg added to its name (e.g., 001.idrembg.jpg). The background color of the processed images will be light gray.

Use other keys to set destination folder, format, size and background color for processed images.


–out-dir <path to the folder> – specifies the folder where processed files will be saved.


>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" –out-dir "D:\2out"

Result: the processed files will be saved to the D:\2out folder.

Each processed file will retain the same name and format as the original file (e.g., original: D:\1in\001.jpg, processed: D:\2out\001.jpg).

The background of all images will be light gray.


–output-format <format> – specifies the format for the processed files. Available options include: jpg, jpeg, png, webp, bmp, tif, and tiff.


>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" –out-dir "D:\2out" –output-format png

Result: all processed images will be saved in PNG format, as specified by the –output-format option, regardless of the original file format.

4. Common options for file and folder

-b, –background

-b, –background <color> – sets the background color of the processed image. You can select any color from the CSS palette, including options with varying degrees of transparency using the alpha channel.

The application supports the following color formats: hex, rgb(rgba), hsl(hsla) and named colors.

If the -b or –background option is not specified, the application will default to a light grey background color (rgba(230, 230, 230, 230)).

Example for file:


>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.jpg" -b #D0E3EF


>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.jpg" -b rgb(208,227,239)

Result: A processed file D:\1in\001.idrembg.jpg will be created in the D:\1in\001.idrembg.jpg folder. The image will have a blue background.

Example for folder:


> idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" -b #D0E3EF


> idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" -b rgb(208,227,239)

Result: processed files will be created in the D:\1in folder. All images will have a blue background.


Transparent background

To obtain a processed image with a transparent background, the source file must be in a format that supports transparency, such as PNG or TIFF.

If the source file is in PNG or TIFF format, there’s no need to specify the format of the processed file. However, if the source file is JPEG (JPG), which does not support transparency, you should change the processed file format to PNG or TIFF. To do this, use the -o (–out-file) option for individual files or the –output-format option for folders.

Example for file:

source file format – PNG

>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.png" -b transparent

Result: a processed file 001.idrembg.png with a fully transparent background will be created in the D:\1in folder.

the source file format is JPG, you need to add the -o (–out-file) key.

>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.jpg" -o "D:\2out\001.png" -b transparent

Result: a processed 001.png file with a fully transparent background will be created in the D:\2out folder. Since the original file is in JPG format, which does not support transparency, adding the -o option is necessary to specify the processed file format as PNG.

Example for folder:

If source files format in the folder is PNG

>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" -b transparent

Result: processed files with fully transparent background will be created in the D:\1in folder.

If source files format in the folder is JPG, you need to add –output-format key.

>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" -b transparent –output-format png

Result: in the D:\1in folder you will have processed PNG files with a fully transparent background. Since the source files are in JPG format, which does not support transparency, adding the –output-format option is necessary to set the processed files’ format to PNG.


Background with Partial Transparency

To set a partial transparent background, you need to use RGBA (not RGB) or HEX color formats, which have a 4th value added – the degree of transparency.

In RGBA, transparency is specified by a number from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque): 0 corresponds to 0%, 0.5 to 50%, 0.8 to 80%, 1 to 100%, etc. For example, for the color rgba(230,230,230,230,0.5) the transparency value is 0.5.

In HEX format, the transparency value is specified in hexadecimal numbers. For example, for color #E6E6E6E680 the transparency value is 80.

Processed files should be created in PNG or TIFF formats that support transparency.

Example for file:


>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.png" – b rgba(208,227,239,0.5)


>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.png" -b #D0E3EF

Result: a processed file 001.idrembg.png with a semi-transparent blue background will be created in the D:\1in folder.

Example for folder:


>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" -b rgba(208,227,239,0.5)


>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" -b #D0E3EF

Result: a processed file 001.idrembg.png with a semi-transparent blue background will be created in the D:\1in folder.


–overwrite – replaces (overwrites) a file if it already exists.

Files with the .idrembg suffix are always overwritten, regardless of whether the –overwrite option is used.

Example for a file:

>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.jpg" -o "D:\2out\001.jpg" –overwrite

Result: a processed file 001.jpg will be created in the D:\2out folder. If a file with this name already exists in the folder, it will be overwritten.

Example for folder:

>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" –out-dir "D:\2out" –overwrite

Result: processed files will be created in the D:\2out folder. If files with the same names already exist in this folder, they will be overwritten.


When the -i (–in-file) and –overwrite options are used together without specifying the -o (–out-file) option, the original file will be overwritten.


>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.jpg" –overwrite

Result: the processed file 001.jpg will be created, the original file will be permanently deleted.


When using the –in-dir and –overwrite options together without specifying the –out-dir option, the original files in the folder will be overwritten.


>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" –out-dir "D:\2out" –overwrite

Result: processed files named as the original files will be created in the D:\2out folder. The original files will be permanently deleted.

Use these combinations only if you are sure, you no longer need the original files!


–jpeg-quality <value> – adjusts the compression level of the processed image (applicable only to JPEG files) to reduce file size. Lower values result in lower image quality and smaller file sizes.

Example for a file:

>idrembg -i "D:\1in\001.jpg" –jpeg-quality 80

Example for a folder:

>idrembg –in-dir "D:\1in" –jpeg-quality 80

Result: the processed images will be created with a compression level of 80, resulting in reduced quality compared to the original images and smaller file sizes.

5. Additional keys


–show-system-info – displays information about the application on the console:

The folder containing the log files

The folder containing the activation utility

The activation status (whether the application is activated or not)

The serial number, if the application is activated


>idrembg –show-system-info



How to fix application windows display problems on high DPI monitors?

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How to fix application windows display problems on high DPI monitors?

This instructions will help you to fix any of the following problems that can occurs on high DPI monitors:

  • application window is too small
  • text in application window is too small and unreadable
  • user interface controls is too small (e.g. buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists and so on)
  • application window is blurry

Please change high DPI compatibility settings:

  1. Locate application link on desktop or start menu, right click on it, choose “Properties” menu item

  2. In application properties window please choose “Compatibility” tab first, and then press “Change high DPI settings” button

  3. In high DPI settings please:
    • Check “Use this setting to fix scaling…”
    • Choose use when “I open this program” in drop-down list
    • Check “Override …” and choose “System (Enhanced)”
    • Press OK

  4. In application properties window press OK (or Apply and then Close)

Recover serial number 1.x

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inPhoto Capture 1.x or inPhoto ID 1.x fails during start with “System time” error

If you need to recover your license serial number for inPhoto Capture 1.x or inPhoto ID 1.x please check the following methods.

If you can start the application you can find your serial number in the About dialogue. The dialogue is located in the main menu > Help > About.

If you cannot start the application please use our special utility for recovery license serial number for inPhoto Capture 1.x or inPhoto ID 1.x It collects all needed information from your system and saves it to a text file. After receiving this file we will be able to restore your serial number. Utility will collect only configuration files and registry keys created by the application itself, no personal or system information collected, all collected information can be checked prior to sending.

Download utility:

Start utility, locate nrecovery.txt on the same folder, send this file to

Remote support via SupRemo

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Remote support via SupRemo

For remote support, we use reliable and user-friendly software – SupRemo. SupRemo doesn`t require installation and configuration of firewalls so it is safe for a computer system. Setting up a remote connection via SupRemo takes about a minute. To do this, please follow the steps below.


Step 1. Download SupRemo at



Step 2. Run SupRemo.




Step 3. In the appeared Welcome to SupRemo window choose Run Supremo (as set by default) and click Accept.



Step 4. In the Supremo window that opens, you will see Your ID and Password.


Copy this data.

Then paste them into the message and send to our support. Please send the data in the same way which you contacted us when you set this support session. If you used email, please send the message to


Done! Now everything is ready to set up the remote connection.




Start of remote session

When our support engineer has connected to your computer a pop-up message will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.



Text chat

During the remote session you can keep in touch with us via a text chat.





You can minimize the main SupRemo window and place the chat window where it will convenient for you to monitor messages. For example, in the lower right corner of the screen.



The text chat window can only be opened by the connecting partner (in this case, only by us). So, please don`t close the text chat window until the end of the remote session to you can write us a message.





End of remote session

To end the remote session simply close the Supremo window.



If the remote session is ended by us you will see a pop-up message as shown bellow.


How to manage, edit, and transfer a configuration file?

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How to manage, edit, and transfer a configuration file?

A configuration file contains the current application settings: camera settings,  interface settings, image processing settings and others.

You can edit the configuration file. And you also can transfer it to another computer.

The configuration file of any inPhoto or IDPhoto application is called defaultSettings.conf.

Every time the application starts, it backs up defaultSettings.conf which is called ~defaultSettings.conf. If defaultSettings.conf is wrong or missing the application loads the settings from ~defaultSettings.conf.



Paths to configuration files located in Windows Vista/7/8/10:

IDPhoto Processor

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\IDPhoto Processor\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto ID Webcam

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto ID Webcam\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto Capture Webcam

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto Capture Webcam\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto ID CS

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto ID CS\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto Capture CS

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto Capture CS\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto ID PS

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto ID PS\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto Capture PS

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto Capture PS\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto ID SLR

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto ID SLR\defaultSettings.conf

inPhoto Capture SLR

C:\ProgramData\IDPhotoCapture\inPhoto Capture SLR\defaultSettings.conf


How to edit an inPhoto configuration file?

Occasionally, you may need to change the application settings using the configuration file.

We will show you how to edit the configuration file with a simple example. We will change the value of the image counter so that image numbering doesn`t start with 1, but with 1000.

Please follow the steps:

Step 1. Close the inPhoto application. Please do this via the File menu -> Exit. If you use clip19 the application will hide to tray, but won`t close completely.



Step 2. Find defaultSettings.conf on your PC. The paths to the configuration files of the inPhoto or IDPhoto applications, please see in this article here.



Step 3. Open defaultSettings.conf by any text editor. We use Notepad.



Step 4. Find ImageCounter in the Core section. This variable stores a number of the next saved image.



Step 5. Change the ImageCounter value to the one you want to start numbering of the saved images. We change 1 to 1000. To save changes press Ctrl+S on the keyboard or click clip30.

Please pay close attention when editing the configuration file. If you delete "," or ";" or "}" or another punctuation mark by mistake the file structure will be broken and the application won`t be able load the file. In this case, it loads a backup which doesn`t have your changes.



Step 6. Start the application.

Step 7. Check the ImageCounter value. To do this, open the File menu -> Options -> the Save file tab -> the Next Image box. In our example, we see the counter in the image name is 1000 as we have written in the file.




If you see the value has not changed the defaultSettings.conf structure was likely broken during editing. As a result, the application could not load defaultSettings.conf and loaded the backup and then wrote the settings loaded from the backup to defaultSettings.conf. So when you open it you will see ImageCounter has old value.

In this situation, to attain the goal and change the setting – simply repeat the above steps saving the configuration file structure.


How to transfer the configuration file to another PC?

Sometimes you may need to transfer the configuration file to another PC or another user.

It`s easy to do: copy defaultSettings.conf on your computer (file location, please see above) and replace defaultSettings.conf on a computer where you want use your settings.

In the same folder with defaultSettings.conf, you will see ~defaultSettings.conf. It`s a backup of the configuration file. You don`t need to copy it.



See also:





inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam preview doesn`t work

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inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam preview
doesn`t work


After you have started inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam, the preview remains black in the application window.




To determine the cause of the problem, please check two things:

1. Open the Camera menu -> Select camera and see if your camera is in the list.



2. See which message appears in the status bar.


If your camera is in the list and you see the "Camera is not connected" message in the status bar the specific resolution is likely set on your camera that inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam doesn`t support.

If you have another situation, please connect to our support at



You need to change the camera resolution and restart inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam.

Please do this as follows:

1. In the inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam window, in the menu at right, click Camera format.



2. Select the 640×480 value from the Video Resolution drop-down list -> click Ok.


In the Camera format dialog, the Snapshot resolution field may also be available. This means that your camera has an option to set different resolutions for a preview and a snapshot. In this case, please only change Video resolution, but do not change Snapshot resolution.





3. Restart inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam:

Click File -> Exit and start the application again.


Please use only the Exit button to close inPhoto ID Webcam or inPhoto Capture Webcam so other ways may not close the application completely.





If the above steps have fixed the problem you will see the camera image on the preview after application start.



Now that the application works properly you can select another resolution from the Video Resolution list you want to use.


How do I provide System Information about my computer?

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How do I provide System Information about my computer?

To determine the cause of your issue, we may ask you to provide us system information about your machine.

You can do this, by following the simple steps below:

1. Run the Microsoft System Information tool:

Click Start clip4 -> type msinfo32 in the Search box -> press Enter


Press clip2+R on your keyboard.




2. Save the information about your computer in an .info file:

Click File -> click Save -> in the Save As window that appears, enter a file name and choose the location where you want to save the .info file -> click Save.



3. Send the saved .info file to


In some situations, we ask you to send us information not as an .info file, but as a screenshot of the System Information window.


Saving Event Viewer error information to .evtx file

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Saving Event Viewer error information to .evtx file

In case of application error inPhoto can gather all needed information about it and send to developers for analysis. But in some cases error can occurs prior to full application start. In this case you will get “GUI … has stopped working”

To get information needed for analysis of the possible case for such problems, please provide us with windows event information
file .evtx

How to start Event Viewer and save error information to .evtx file

Right-click or tap and hold the Start icon. Choose Event Viewer. The Event Viewer appears.
In the Event Viewer, navigate through the various categories (called Views) in the left-hand navigation pane in order to inspect the various events in the main section of the screen. Choose Application Logs and then Application view. Check log messages with level Error. Locate message description starting with “Faulting application name: inPhoto.exe”.

Press right click on the error event and choose the “Save Selected Events”.

Type the file name and press “Save” button.

In the next window just press “Ok” button.

Locate and sent to us resulting “.evtx” file with error data for analysis.

inPhoto Cameras Power Guide

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Demo Version

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How can I get a Demo version?



You can try any of our products using it’s demo version.

Demo versions are free of charge. You just download the application which you want to test from our website and launch it in the demo mode.

We don’t restrict application functionality in demo versions. Therefore, all features work just like in paid versions, including camera control. The only difference between demo versions and paid versions is the demo sign added on the saved images as shown in the photo on the left.

Also we don’t limit the validity period of demo versions so you can test the sofware as much time as you need.

To get a demo version, please follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the download page on our website at


Step 2. Click Download next to the product which you want to test to download it’s installer.



Step 3. Run the installer and follow the instructions of the wizard to install the application.



Detailed instructions on how to instal our software you can find in the user guides for each product at




Step 4. After the application is installed launch it. To begin working in the demo mode press the Continue with Demo button in the appeared window.



Done! That the application is working in the demo mode you will recognize by the Demo mode text in the window tittle.

Now you can connect your camera to the application and thoroughly test all features on your real tasks.


If you have any questions about demo versions or you need advise about choosing the product, please email us at we will be happy to help you.