How to fix application windows display problems on high DPI monitors?

How to fix application windows display problems on high DPI monitors?

This instructions will help you to fix any of the following problems that can occurs on high DPI monitors:

  • application window is too small
  • text in application window is too small and unreadable
  • user interface controls is too small (e.g. buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists and so on)
  • application window is blurry

Please change high DPI compatibility settings:

  1. Locate application link on desktop or start menu, right click on it, choose “Properties” menu item

  2. In application properties window please choose “Compatibility” tab first, and then press “Change high DPI settings” button

  3. In high DPI settings please:
    • Check “Use this setting to fix scaling…”
    • Choose use when “I open this program” in drop-down list
    • Check “Override …” and choose “System (Enhanced)”
    • Press OK

  4. In application properties window press OK (or Apply and then Close)