Examples for processing a single file, several files or a directory

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Examples of entries for processing of a single file, several files or a directory are shown in this section.


clip0578Please pay attention that the directory path should not contain any extra separators – slashes – in the /source and /saveas parameters. For example, the following entry will be invalid and will cause an error: /source=D:\Portraits\ /saveas=D:\Result\

The correct entry should look like this: /source=D:\Portraits /saveas=D:\Result



Example for processing of a single file

To process a single file, specify the full name of the source file in the /source parameter, and the full name of the future processed file in the /saveas parameter.

The entry for cmd.exe:

IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe /process /source=D:\Portraits\portrait1.jpg /saveas=D:\Result\portrait1_ID.jpg




The entry for a batch file:

:::::: Set variables ::::::

set source_path=D:\Portraits\portrait1.jpg

set saveas_path=D:\Result\portrait1_ID.jpg

:::::: Run IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe with arguments ::::::

start IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe /process /source=%source_path% /saveas=%saveas_path%




Example for processing of several files

To process several files, specify the full names of the source files in the /source parameter and the path to the directory where the processed files are to be saved in the /saveas parameter.

To list files in the /source parameter, the name of each file should be taken in double quotes and separated from other files by means of a space and a vertical bar.

The entry for cmd.exe:

IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe /process /source="D:\Portraits\portrait1.jpg" | "D:\Portraits\portrait2.jpg" | "D:\Portraits\portrait3.jpg" /saveas=D:\Result




The entry for a batch file:

:::::: Set variables ::::::

set source_path="D:\Portraits\portrait1.jpg" | "D:\Portraits\portrait2.jpg" | "D:\Portraits\portrait3.jpg"

set saveas_path=D:\Result

:::::: Run IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe with arguments ::::::

start IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe /process /source=%source_path% /saveas=%saveas_path%





Example for processing of a directory

To process the file directory, specify the path to the directory with the source files in the /source parameter and the path to the directory where the processed files are to be saved in the /saveas parameter.

The entry for cmd.exe:

IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe /process /source=D:\Portraits /saveas=D:\Result



The entry for a batch file:

:::::: Set variables ::::::

set source_path=D:\Portraits

set saveas_path=D:\Result

:::::: Run IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe with arguments ::::::

start IDPhotoProcessor_CLI.exe /process /source=%source_path% /saveas=%saveas_path%

