Preview Resolution


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The resolution of the preliminary image that the camera transmits to inPhoto ID SLR depends on the camera model. The info on resolution is stated in the status bar of inPhoto ID SLR, the Original section.



The image resolution in the inPhoto ID SLR preview depends on the application window size. You can change the resolution in the application preview by changing the window size. Information on the image resolution in the application preview is stated in the status bar of the Current section.



In the Scale section of the status bar, there is an indication of the resolution ratio of the image passed by the camera to the image showed in the inPhoto ID SLR preview. For example, you may see on the screenshot below that the scale is 67% that means the application preview image is twice larger than the one received from the camera preview.



The preview resolution is out of all relation to the shot image resolution. The resolution the camera will make a shot with is stated in the main menu View -> Camera Settings -> Image Quality setting.


It is important to understand that the resolution of the preliminary image received from the camera, the resolution of the image shown in the application preview, the resolution of the image made by the camera and the resolution of the image received as the result of processing, they are four different values.